Family Life Committee
The Family Life Committee, which reports to the Pastoral Council, attends to the needs of families, by welcoming new parishioners and families, and arranging social and spirituality programs that support healthy Catholic family life. With more members recruited from the parish, the committee would be headed by one of the Pastoral Council members.
For more information, contact:
Sacred Worship Committee
The Sacred Worship Committee, which reports to the Pastoral Council, attends to all things related to the worship of God, Sunday Mass, Devotions, and Liturgical Celebrations. For more information, contact Mikayla Scheel.
Catholic Education Committee
The Catholic Education Committee, which reports to the Pastoral Council, is an oversight committee on everything related to school, school programs, plans, catholic values, scholarships, fundraising, and building stronger bonds of families and parents with the Parish and its mission.
For more information, contact:
Social Justice Committee
The Social Justice Committee, which reports to the Pastoral Council, attends to all things related to social justice issues; gives a face to the social dimension of parish life and involvement; and works with groups that serve the needy, such as the Community Table, Beacon House, Catholic Charities, Saint Francis Food Pantry, and others.
For more information, contact:
Faith Formation Committee
The Faith Formation Committee, which reports to the Pastoral Council, attends to all things related to formation of children in faith; family faith formation programs; youth ministry; Sunday liturgy for the young; family gatherings; preparation for Baptism, Marriage, Holy Communion, Confirmation and to the fostering of sacramental and faith life of the parishioners.
For more information, contact:
Evangelization and Mission Committee
The Evangelization and Mission Committee, which reports to the Pastoral Council, attends to all things related to the mission of the parish, establishing the Catholic and pastoral character of the parish; promotes the call to missionary discipleship; daily life in family; witness; developing associations and family groups that assist parish families to live the faith vibrantly. The Committee works together with the Faith Formation and Education Committees arranging programs to meet the needs of various groups of people, including the elderly; widows and widowers; the divorced; young people; children; the middle aged; marriage and family life; and sacramental needs.
For more information, contact:
Building and Grounds Committee
The Building and Grounds Committee, which reports to the Pastoral Council, is responsible for the oversight of the campus buildings and grounds of the parish. The group analyzes the property with the specific needs of each building and develops a short-term and long-term maintenance/replacement plan to promote the longevity of our campus. The parish's hired maintenance personnel are team members.
For more information, contact Ed Kassing at
Art and Environment Committee
The Art and Environment Committee, which reports to the Pastoral Council, is immediately responsible for planning and arranging the decoration of the interior of the church and the beautification of the church exterior. Anyone who has interest in interior decoration, art, and gardening are welcome to join. The members of this committee assist the Grounds and Maintenance team of the parish. For more information, contact Georgine Hughes at